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Manage MBA

Our founder, Scott Romeo, is often quoted stating, "This is the worst group of managers I have seen in my lifetime. They simply don't know how to manage". Scott originally made this statement in 2007 and it seems to hold true to this day. Managers lack the ability to explore and get to the root of their problems, effectively manage situations that don't go as expected throughout the day, adapt to change and help their teams adapt to change, and make decisions.

Manage MBA is designed as a two-day management retreat that is very application-based and customized for your organization. It is not a seminar, it is an interactive experience. Your managers not only learn new management techniques, in many instances they will be asked to demonstrate them in class so they become comfortable with the approaches and ready to immediately imply them.

The program helps attendees distinguish between "managers" and "leaders" and the mindset and skill sets that differ between these concepts. Historically, managers often make poor leaders and leaders are often poor managers.

There are very effective management approaches that have been around for centuries that most managers have never heard of because they have never been trained in these techniques. Many of these techniques are very easy to implement, once the manager has been trained in the process. For example, there is an approach to ask team members to complete a task that they usually does not want to do. And if asked correctly, the team members will even think they made the decision to complete the task. This technique has been effectively used since the late 16th century. It is still very effective today.

Many managers are familiar with the concept of group think, but there is an even more ineffective culture that can be created and that is when everyone individually disagrees with a decision, but collectively the team agrees to implement it because of strong personalities or positions within the organization. In essence, everyone agrees to do something that none or few of them want to do individually We often watch a 20-minute movie that illustrates how this creates a culture that if left alone, can significantly impact the culture and finances of an organization.

Every organization faces change on a daily basis. What change management approach have you trained your management team to use so they can help their team members be less resistant to the change and successfully implement the new approaches? We will discuss several models and help your management team decide which approach best works for your environment.

Managers are often asked to get to the root of a problem and make a decision, but very few managers are trained on root cause analysis and even fewer are taught decision-making techniques. Participants are taught how to become more effective by getting to the root of problems (as opposed to constantly putting out fires) and then deciding the best approaches to implement to prevent those fires from reappearing on their desk.

These are just a few examples of some of the topics discussed during the two-day retreat. There are times throughout the day when  management-related discussion topics take place to further enhance the mindset and skill set of your managers. Because your facilitator is an expert and this training is customized just for your management team, there are Q&A sessions where your managers can ask questions that they face on a daily basis and never have the opportunity to discuss or resolve. 

Manage MBA is an experiential event that is unlike any other. There is no place else your management team can experience customized management techniques that are practical and easy to implement.

Manage MBA is offered as a two-day offsite event at the location of your choosing in the United States. This experience is ideal for management teams of at 12-30 members. We want everyone to have the opportunity to actively participate and learn the skills by applying them before the end of the event.

Fee: $15,000. This includes the facilitator fee and facilitator expenses (including travel) for the two days, and course materials including those used in the live demonstrations and a customized workbook for each participant. The client is responsible for making arrangements for the retreat and any associated costs. THE STRATEGY EXPERT® can also manage the site requirements for an additional fee. 

To schedule your session or for more information, please contact Scott Romeo at